USC Environmental Health Centers

Current news, events and research projects of the Environmental Health Centers based at USC

April 26, 2016

Event update: The air out there: Traffic, pollution and children’s health

USC Environmental Health

View event video, live tweet feed, questions, answers and more about air pollution and children's health.

On Sunday April 24, 2016 the SC-CEHC co-sponsored the event: The air out there: Traffic, pollution and children’s health with southern california public radio station KPCC. USC Keck Professor Jim Gauderman participated in the panel discussion lead by KPCC Early Childhood Development correspondent Deepa Fernandez. This time provided many great questions and insights into the health effects of air pollution as well as community perspectives and experiences as awareness about how pollution affects health continues to grow in the Southern California region.

KPCC live tweeted the event via @KPCCInPerson. The event can be viewed in full below, including a question/answer session from the audience.


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