USC Environmental Health Centers

Current news, events and research projects of the Environmental Health Centers based at USC

September 12, 2016

SCEHSC Seminar Series: "Linking Exposure and Translational Science: A Community-Engaged Project near a Legacy Mine"

USC Environmental Health

The SCEHSC Seminar Series presents
"Linking Exposure and Translational Science: A Community-Engaged Project near a Legacy Mine"
Paloma Beamer, PhD
Associate Professor, University of Arizona
College of Public Health, Community, Environment, and Policy Department
Friday, October 7, 2016
11:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Soto Street I Building, Room 116
2001 North Soto Street
Los Angeles, CA 90032
If you would like to attend the FREE seminar, please email

Paloma Beamer, PhD, is an associate professor in the College of Public Health at the University of Arizona. She holds joint appointments as an associate professor of Chemical & Environmental Engineering and as a research scientist in the Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center. She is an environmental engineer by training and earned her BS from the University of California Berkeley and her MS and PhD from Stanford University. Her research focuses on understanding how individuals are exposed to environmental contaminants and the health risks of these exposures with a special focus on vulnerable populations, including children, low-wage immigrant workers, Native Americans, and those in the US-Mexico Border Region. The ultimate goal of her work is to develop more effective interventions and policies for prevention of avoidable cases of certain diseases such as asthma.

Dr. Beamer has received a Mentored Quantitative Research Award from NIH, a Scientific Technological Achievement Aware (Level 1) from the US EPA, and Young Investigator Aware from Yuma Friends of Arizona Health Sciences. She was selected as one of Tucson's "40 under 40" and as an Emerging Investigator for an international journal, Environmental Science: Processes & Impact. She currently serves on the US EPA Board of Scientific Counselors Subcommittee for Chemical Sustainability.

She is a lifetime member of the Society for Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE) and the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS).

Dr. Beamer uses field sampling, GIS, computer modeling and laboratory techniques in her research. She has led multiple studies to collect of multi-media exposure samples for metals, pesticides, and VOCs with minority and rural populations. She has also developed an exposure and dose simulation model for children's exposures to pesticides, a model that quantifies the transport of outdoor contaminants to the home environment, and a model focused on transfer of viruses via hand contacts. Dr. Beamer is also an expert in the collection and quantification of key exposure factors aimed at improving risk assessment. Dr. Beamer is currently conducting the Tucson Air Pollution Study, which is focused on developing a retrospective exposure assessment for traffic-related pollutants. She is also assessing children's exposures and health outcomes in a rural community impacted by a contaminated legacy-mining site. Most recently, Dr. Beamer has received funding to assess exposures and risk perceptions of the Dine (Navajo) following the Gold King Mine Spill.

Visitor parking at the Soto Street Building is limited. If you are planning to park at the Soto building during the seminar please contact Marissa Jacy ( for more information. If you are a USC employee, please plan to take the free USC shuttle to our seminars whenever possible. Information about the USC shuttle can be found at

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