USC Environmental Health Centers

Current news, events and research projects of the Environmental Health Centers based at USC

August 11, 2021

FUNDING OPPORTUNITY: MADRES Center Seeks Applicants for Environmental Health Disparities Research Pilot Grants

USC Environmental Health

The NIH-funded Maternal And Developmental Risks from Environmental and Social Stressors Center of Excellence on Environmental Health Disparities Research (MADRES) is pleased to announce the second year of its Pilot Projects Program, supporting one-year research projects that aim to address scientific gaps in our understanding of the unequal burden of adverse environmental health impacts in susceptible communities. The goal of the program is to advance environmental health disparities research while also increasing representation of members of health disparity populations in scientific and community-based research.

Full application instructions can be found here.

The application deadline is September 20 at 5:00 pm Pacific Time.

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