USC Environmental Health Centers

Current news, events and research projects of the Environmental Health Centers based at USC

What's with the smell?

Health, Odors, & Air Quality Survey

In response to health concerns of residents in and around Carson, CA in Fall of 2021, we launched a health survey to assess short and longer-term impacts of the odors and hydrogen sulfide concentrations.  The survey can be completed online in 20-30 minutes and participants will receive a $10 gift card for their time. Adult residents (18 years or older) of the Carson area may email or call 323-647-7564 for more information. Summary findings will be shared with participants and the community. Below we share resources and epidemiological studies on the health effects associated with exposure to hydrogen sulfide. 

Have you lived in this area for 6 months or longer?

Ha vivido en esta área por 6 meses o más?

Si has vivido alrededor de Carson por 6 meses o más Y eres major de 18 ańos, te invitamos a participar en nuestro estudio!

E-mail para la encuesta

Recibirá una tarjeta de regalo de $10 al complerar la encuestra 

Para mas informacion:, 323-647-7564

USC IRB: UP-21-01035

Resources: Hydrogen Sulfide

Reference Collection: Health impacts of Hydrogen Sulfide

Avery, R. C., Wing, S., Marshall, S. W., & Schiffman, S. S. (2004). Odor from industrial hog farming operations and mucosal immune function in neighbors. Arch Environ Health, 59(2), 101-108.

Beauchamp, R. O., Jr., Bus, J. S., Popp, J. A., Boreiko, C. J., & Andjelkovich, D. A. (1984). A critical review of the literature on hydrogen sulfide toxicity. Crit Rev Toxicol, 13(1), 25-97.

Horton, R. A., Wing, S., Marshall, S. W., & Brownley, K. A. (2009). Malodor as a trigger of stress and negative mood in neighbors of industrial hog operations. Am J Public Health, 99 Suppl 3(Suppl 3), S610-615.

Jaakkola, J. J., Vilkka, V., Marttila, O., Jäppinen, P., & Haahtela, T. (1990). The South Karelia Air Pollution Study. The effects of malodorous sulfur compounds from pulp mills on respiratory and other symptoms. Am Rev Respir Dis, 142(6 Pt 1), 1344-1350.

Jäppinen, P., Vilkka, V., Marttila, O., & Haahtela, T. (1990). Exposure to hydrogen sulphide and respiratory function. Br J Ind Med, 47(12), 824-828.

Legator, M. S., Singleton, C. R., Morris, D. L., & Philips, D. L. (2001). Health effects from chronic low-level exposure to hydrogen sulfide. Arch Environ Health, 56(2), 123-131.

Radon, K., Schulze, A., Ehrenstein, V., van Strien, R. T., Praml, G., & Nowak, D. (2007). Environmental exposure to confined animal feeding operations and respiratory health of neighboring residents. Epidemiology, 18(3), 300-308.

Schiffman, S. S., Studwell, C. E., Landerman, L. R., Berman, K., & Sundy, J. S. (2005). Symptomatic effects of exposure to diluted air sampled from a swine confinement atmosphere on healthy human subjects. Environ Health Perspect, 113(5), 567-576.

Schinasi, L., Horton, R. A., Guidry, V. T., Wing, S., Marshall, S. W., & Morland, K. B. (2011). Air pollution, lung function, and physical symptoms in communities near concentrated Swine feeding operations. Epidemiology, 22(2), 208-215.

Shusterman, D. (2001). Odor-associated health complaints: competing explanatory models. Chem Senses, 26(3), 339-343.

Tajik, M., Muhammad, N., Lowman, A., Thu, K., Wing, S., & Grant, G. (2008). Impact of odor from industrial hog operations on daily living activities. New Solut, 18(2), 193-205.

Wing, S., Horton, R. A., & Rose, K. M. (2013). Air pollution from industrial swine operations and blood pressure of neighboring residents. Environ Health Perspect, 121(1), 92-96.

Study Investigators and Staff members:

USC Environmental Health Centers
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