USC Environmental Health Centers

Current news, events and research projects of the Environmental Health Centers based at USC

INFOGRAPHIC: Hydrogen Sulfide and Health

Hydrogen sulfide is a gas that smells that rotten eggs and can be harmful human health. Environmental justice communities near the Dominguez Channel, Salton Sea and urban oil drilling sites face exposure to hydrogen sulfide.

The infographic was led by EHMATTERS fellow Jennifer Ahumada and Postdoctoral Fellow Arbor Quist, in collaboration with the community organization Murdock Community and Care Services, Inc. based in Carson, CA. 

Hydrogen Sulfide by EH

INFOGRAFÍA: Sulfuro de Hidrógeno y Salud

Hydrogen Sulfide SPANISH by EH

RESOURCES: Hydrogen Sulfide and Health

Check out the following news articles to learn more about the Salton Sea and the Dominguez Channel, and how H2S affects these communities. 

The Salton Sea and H2S: 

Elevated Levels of Hydrogen Sulfide at Salton Sea Prompts Odor Advisory, NBC Los Angeles

South Coast AQMD Expands and Upgrades Monitoring and Notification System for Odors from the Salton Sea, South Coast Air Quality Management District

The Dominguez Channel and H2S:

Carson’s foul smell is fading, but residents still want to escape, LA Times

Hydrogen sulfide levels reduced in Carson area, but stench persists, City News Service

Urban Oil Drilling and H2S:

A toxic breeze: South LA residents organize as concerns rise over oil site, Daily Trojan

Chemical odor, kids’ nosebleeds, few answers in South L.A. neighborhood, LA Times

H2S Monitor Data: 

Hydrogen Sulfide Monitoring, South Coast Air Quality Management District 

Rule 1180 Community Air Monitoring, South Coast Air Quality Management District 

Dominguez Channel Odor Event, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health


Understanding Hydrogen Sulfide: 

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. (2016). Hydrogen Sulfide - ToxFAQs [Fact sheet]. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. Retrieved from:

Malone Rubright, S. L., Pearce, L. L., & Peterson, J. (2017). Environmental toxicology of hydrogen sulfide. Nitric oxide: biology and chemistry, 71, 1–13.

New Jersey Department of Health. (2012). Right to Know - Hazardous Substance [Fact sheet].

Sources of Hydrogen Sulfide: 

California Air Resources Board. (n.d). Hydrogen Sulfide & Health. California Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved May 2, 2022, from,sewage%20treatment%20facilities%20and%20landfills

Chou, C. H., Ogden, J. M., Pohl, H. R., Scinicariello, F., Ingerman, L., Barber, L., & Citra, M. J. (2016). Toxicological profile for hydrogen sulfide and carbonyl sulfide. (2007).  U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 

Reese, B. K., Anderson, M. A., & Amrhein, C. (2008). Hydrogen sulfide production and volatilization in a polymictic eutrophic saline lake, Salton Sea, California. Science of the total environment, 406(1-2), 205-218. 

Health Effects: 

Fiedler, N., Kipen, H., Ohman-Strickland, P., Zhang, J., Weisel, C., Laumbach, R., ... & Lioy, P. (2008). Sensory and cognitive effects of acute exposure to hydrogen sulfide. Environmental health perspectives, 116(1), 78-85. 

Lewis, R. J., & Copley, G. B. (2015). Chronic low-level hydrogen sulfide exposure and potential effects on human health: a review of the epidemiological evidence. Critical Reviews in Toxicology, 45(2), 93-123. 

Rubright, S. L. M., Pearce, L. L., & Peterson, J. (2017). Environmental toxicology of hydrogen sulfide. Nitric oxide: biology and chemistry, 71, 1. 

Preventative Measures: 

Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. (2021).  Dominguez Channel Odor Incident Preparing to Return to Home. [Tip Sheet]. Retrieved from: 

Chou, C. H., Ogden, J. M., Pohl, H. R., Scinicariello, F., Ingerman, L., Barber, L., & Citra, M. J. (2016). Toxicological profile for hydrogen sulfide and carbonyl sulfide. (2007).  U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. 

Understanding PPB Hydrogen Sulfide Levels: 

California Air Resources Board. (n.d). Hydrogen Sulfide & Health. California Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved May 2, 2022, from,sewage%20treatment%20facilities%20and%20landfills

South Coast Air Quality Management District. (2021). Dominguez Channel Odor Event. Retrieved from:,than%20the%20state%20nuisance%20standard. 

United States Department of Labor. (n.d.). Hydrogen Sulfide. Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Retrieved from:

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